
Using Squidoo For Your Marketing - How To Generate Leads Using Free Marketing (Part 2)

Hey guys, this is the Part 2 of "How to Generate Leads Using Free Marketing". On this one, we're going to use Squidoo for your marketing effort. It is really good and can get you tons of leads to your website. For you that don't know what Squidoo is, Squidoo is kind of like a "Content Sharing Site" that gives you lens, where you can share your content or anything you wish. Oh and by the way, lens is the cool terms Squidoo use for the one page website they gave you. Okay. Let's learn together guys.Why Squidoo is great?? Because Google loves it, when you make a Squidoo Lens about you, when someone goes to Google and types in your name, your Squidoo Lens can show in the search engine results. And it's not just Google. So what does it mean? GREAT led light bulbs TRAFFIC!!Now let's create your first lens. You'll get so addicted to it. First, you'll need to sign up at Squidoo. Okay, now that you have your Squidoo Account, try filling out your bio first. Remember, your bio means virtually you. Try filling that out with some creativity. Be honest. There is a link to my profile in the resource box, you can check it out and remember to add me as a friend okay?The first lens you will want to create is an "About Me" lens. Try putting all interesting stuff about you here. Don't try to sell something too much. It can only be 80% fun and 20% sales. You're looking for friend here. Take a look at my About Me page too and join my fan club, I'll join yours too. The link is in the resource box.Now, I can only give you some examples and some tips here. Basically it's all about how you tweak it at Squidoo, how often do you create lens, one a day is good, two a day is a better, one every six hours which means about 4 a day is the best. Here are the tips:1. There are no limit to how many lenses you can link to your About Me lens.Now guys I know that you all want traffic to your site rite?? But try to be friendlier, don't be "Hey, join my business and you'll be rich" they will just run away. Now you can link as many lenses as you wish to your "About Me" lens, which means whenever you make a cool lens that gets featured in the TOP 100, they clicked on the links to your About Me, and they know you. Correct? That means traffic to your personal site, and from there you will have to redirect them to your business site by posting something about your business. Got it? Take alternatives route, don't just walk straight to heaven.2. Focus one lens on one topic.Now you would like to focus on one topic for one lens. Don't run away from the main point. If I read something that seems like to many information to digest, too many main points, I'll just hit the "Back" button on my browser. Now, you would not want that to happen.3. Reading a "How To" lens makes you a disciple, writing one makes you a guru.The best lens ever or the popular lens that get deep in people's heart is of course a Nail Sticker "How To" lens. You'd want to make many of these lenses as possible. It adds your value to the society and for a long-term option; you're building your reputation on the Internet. You're a guru. You're teaching people "How To" do something right and how to do something nice. And that's a good thing to do, you make money and you're closer to Internet's Heaven.4. Everybody prefers looking to reading.There is this something about humans; they DON'T like too many words. They prefer pictures to words. So you might want to add pictures to your lens content because that will increase the chance that they DO finish reading your lens. There is this tools called "Polaroid" in the module tab. Use it to add larger photos to your lens. People like it.5. The world is realisticApparently this world is realistic. They only chose to give to people they like or only to people that has given to them. Get traffic to your Squidoo lens, blog or website by leaving comments and your link on other Squidoo lenses. Let the Lens Master know that their lens is really useful and how it helped you. You can also be creative and add other points you want in the comment.P.S. Don't misuse this. Leave a comment only if you really read it and have some opinions or some suggestions. You don't want your lens to be spammed by links to other people's site, they are just like you.

