
1156 led light bulb good to freshman

LED lighting is not as common today as a traditional incandescent lighting, but LED's are gaining in popularity and some of the benefits of an 1156LED light bulb make them worth looking into. The use an LED light bulb is a relatively new technology, and was not available commercially until 1968. Since then, technology advances have increased their usability and now they are available for most any application. Some questions many have about the LED light bulb are: what is it, how does it compare to a traditional light bulb, and how can it be used in the home?
1156 LED light bulb has a solid semiconductor as opposed to the incandescent light bulb which has a gaseous conductor and emitter. Because the semiconductors usually emit less light than a traditional bulb, multiple cells are used to create a light that is more comparable to the light emitted by an incandescent bulb. Many different elements can be used and each emits it own unique spectra of color which is what creates the dynamic use of white color in LED lights.
One of the biggest questions that people have when learning more about the LED's is: "How does an LED light bulb compare to a traditional light bulb?" 1156 LED light bulb is much more expensive than traditional light bulbs but the expense comes with some benefits. Because of the different production method, an LED light bulb emits more colors than a traditional light bulb and lasts much longer Also, the lack of filaments makes them easier to handle and more durable. The heat generation from an LED light bulb is next to nothing so it uses less energy. Even with these benefits, many consumers are prone to choose the cheaper traditional light bulbs because they are familiar and comfortable with them. All things considered, both light bulbs work equally well to light things up.
Another question that people have is: "Where can I use an LED light bulb?” LED bulbs can be used almost anywhere that traditional light bulbs are used. When purchasing a new LED light bulb one would want to consider the design and shape desired. LED lights come in many unique shapes and sizes so make sure to choose a light bulb that will fit in the socket and look aesthetically pleasing in the setting desired. LED light bulbs can be used in lamps, ceiling lights, outdoors, flashlights, chandeliers, etc. Like they say "if the bulb fits", use it! LED lights also have some unique usages. They have recently become very popular with gardeners because their wide spectrum includes certain wavelengths which work better for plant growth then other light bulbs.
All in all, 1156 LED light bulbs and traditional light bulbs both do what they are supposed to do very well. LED lights have a different technology which is energy efficient, long lasting and applicable in many situations. However, they are more expensive to produce and thus consumers are less likely to choose them at this point in history. But since an LED light bulb can be used in any situation that a normal light can be used in plus more, as more consumers learn the benefits and long lasting durability of an LED light bulb, they will be much more likely to start trying them out.

